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Conscious Change
Dec 1, 20224 min read
COP27 - what's changing in climate politics?
It’s now been a year since Glasgow hosted the world’s largest (and arguably most important) international environmental summit, COP26...

Conscious Change
Jul 10, 20204 min read
Meat Could Cause the Next Pandemic
Placing exploitative agricultural practises close to humans and feeding us the meat enables viruses to jump across species.

Conscious Change
Jul 6, 20205 min read
Intersectional Environmentalism: Why We Need It and How We Achieve It
Intersectional Environmentalism is the idea that climate justice and racial justice are completely inseparable.

Lila Sakata
Jul 3, 20204 min read
The Effect of Covid-19 on our Environment
Six ways Covid-19 is affecting climate and the environment in the scale of Edinburgh, Scotland, and the UK.

Conscious Change
Oct 9, 20194 min read
The Times They Are A Changin!
Theme: The theme this week is on positivity. I often feel when searching through environmental news that it is predominantly negative...

Conscious Change
Oct 2, 20195 min read
Are we being Green-washed? and other news...
The key theme running throughout these articles is that we need a clearer understanding of what key players are actually doing, because some
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