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Lights, camera, action!

Stats and Facts

  • Household energy makes up 18% of Greenhouse emissions through heating, lighting and appliances.

  • Global Energy demand grows by 3% EVERY SINGLE YEAR!

  • In the average UK home 75% of energy is consumed when on standby and a quarter of heating escapes through windows.


Easy Switches


  • Washing​ your clothes at 40 degrees instead of 60 halves your energy consumption.

  • Make sure you pull the plug when you've stopped using an appliance (it'll save you on standby charges).

  • Turning the heating down by only 1 degree saves 8% in costs. 

  • Switch to an energy supplier which uses renewable energy. 


  1. Ecotricity - They’ve been around since 1996 and provide UK homes and businesses with 100% renewable energy and frack-free gas.

  2. Octopus - Octopus are another 100% renewable energy company that ALSO invests back into sustainable tech.

  3. Tonik - ranked highly for its customer service and value for money, it's an obvious choice if you want an easy switch.

  4. Good Energy -  they offer carbon neutral gas, and select projects in places like Malawi to give back to local communities. They also pay all their staff a living wage, meaning that workers AND the environment benefit when you choose Good Energy.

  5. Bulb - one thing to note is their generous 'Refer a Friend' policy (£50 credit for you and a friend) and their commitment to social responsibility.


(all the recommendations on this list offer 100% renewable energy)



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